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Fall Fundraiser


Featuring . . .

The Honorable Ben Cardin, US Senator, MD


September 22, 2018  

Time: 7-11 PM



Food, Drinks, Live Music, Silent Auction and your opportunity to access "Get out the Vote" activities


September 22, 7-11 PM


12138 Woodsyde Court

Owings Mills MD 21117


Please join us for a very enjoyable and meaningful evening with fellow Democrats who are vitally concerned about the direction of our country.  We are so fortunate to have sitting U.S. Senator Ben Cardin as our featured speaker!   


Representatives will be on hand to facilitate your involvement in "Get Out The Vote" activities in the weeks leading up to the midterm elections.  Our shared objective is to become active in nearby swing districts in order to flip Congress to a Democratic majority, thereby creating a crucial check on the President's policies.


Entertainment including live music by Tomas Drgon 


Host: BMOREDEMOCRATIC Organizing Committee


Recommended donation $100 per person to be split evenly ($50 for each) between the DNC and Senator Cardin's campaign.  

Use of the below links will automatically register you for this event. Please register each member of your party separately.









If you feel you cannot pay the full amount but would like to attend the fundraiser and participate in the "Get out the Vote" activities, we welcome you. Please split your donation evenly between Senator Cardin and the DNC using the links. 


If you can't make the fundraiser but would like to join us for "Get out the Vote"activities, email below and we will be in contact with you soon.



Help us "Get out the Vote"

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." Albert Einstein

"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." Desmond Tutu

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About Us


We are a group of like-minded individuals from the Baltimore area who first came together to fundraise and organize for the Obama and Clinton campaigns, who are now worried about the direction of our country and are looking for concrete ways to turn the tide, learn more, and socialize with like-minded individuals. 


The Group’s main, near-term thrust is to flip the U.S. Congress from red to blue in 2018 by targeting specific races within driving distance that are in play for Democrats. We feel this is the best way to enable our country's checks and balances to promote the values we support and fight against what we see as the lies, corruption and hateful and dangerous policies coming from Trump and his administration.


This is a “big tent” group. We will not get involved in Democratic primaries. Group members are encouraged to continue their involvement in other causes/efforts, in addition to this group.


We will engage in 4 main activities leading up to the 2018 Election:

  • Get Out the Vote, voter registration, phone banks & driving voters to the polls in November.

  • Fund Raising Events

  • Activism-joining other marchers or protests as a group.

  • Social group with speakers.


Founding member: Braeme Glaun 

Committee members: Jeff Brauer, Carol & Ed Gratz, Mike & Eleanor Curley, Janine Frier, Berenice Rushovich, Joanna Rogers, Tonya Moore, Zack Berger

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